In life drawing this week we focused on the ribcage and spinal column. We repeatedly practiced the 'egg' shape of the ribcage and drew the line that followed the spine or the front of the body. Some of the poses proved to be a difficulty if you couldn't see the back or front definitively, but with practice I feel like I'm pretty close to understanding where to imagine the lines are.
My picture this week is of a longer detailed drawing of the model's back. I started out with the egg and spinal column line which I thought was pretty close to accurately placed and then went on to draw in muscles and important lines. It's a little rough and the muscles look a bit exaggerated but for the most part I'm pretty proud of it. I feel like I'm getting better at line placement faster than I was when I started.
I'm beginning to enjoy gesture drawing more too, it takes a couple of the first drawings for me to get back in the groove but once I loosen up my shoulder and am focused on the task at hand, I really enjoy it. We also worked on our clay mannequins quite a bit this week building the abdominal muscles. This weekend we're supposed to build the gluteus muscles. I imagine once I put these muscles in, the torso will really start coming together and looking more natural and human.
Since I've been in life drawing I've been more aware of what muscles I use when I pick something off a high up shelf, or bend over to put my shoes on. It's made me more aware of my movements and imagine how it would feel to draw what I'm doing. Its kind of cool, definitely a new perspective of my drawings that I've never thought of before.
I know what you mean about thinking how the muscles work together. It really shows you how much you don't know about the body.